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Susan Bruen


Mansion Search

WAMMC’s first Mansion in May held in October, Evergreens at the Kellogg Club in 1986, was my first volunteer experience. And of all things, I helped provide prepared foods as part of the “Gourmet to Go” committee. (I’m a simple recipe reader!) As a stay-at-home mom with a two-year-old after a 10-year career in marketing, I needed a challenge and turned to WAMMC and Morristown Medical. My sister Anne Rooke and I formed the Township Twig in 1988, the first new Twig in years. I am so grateful for the women who joined the Twig over the years and what they accomplished with their vision and energy. Shortly thereafter, I joined the WAMMC Board, holding various positions and serving as president from 1999-2001. Mansion in May has continued to be my primary focus, again chairing several committees and as MIM co-chair in 2010. I'm honored and humbled to say that I was awarded WAMMC's Eleanor Award (the "Busy Bee") and the Foundation's Augusta Stone Award, both of which recognize distinguished volunteer leadership and service. Currently, I chair the Mansion Search Committee and serve as MIM Operations co-chair. Why WAMMC for so long? I am constantly amazed that we are blessed with a world-class medical center in our backyard that keeps getting better year after year. Our WAMMC members, volunteers, and staff share that same tireless dedication. I am surrounded by talented women (and men) who put their special skills to work on behalf of WAMMC. I truly value these wonderful friendships and am so fortunate to be part of this wonderful organization.

Susan Bruen
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