I feel like I am in a whirlwind as I continue to serve as your President, but also begin the process of passing the torch to the President-elect, Mary Courtemanche and her team. Our list of achievements continues to grow . . .
We have received copyright permission from Scholastic Books to use three stories for our dedicated in-house television channel. In addition, our application for trademark of the name Calling All Kids® was approved by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Committee members, Suzanne Ruffo, Lisa Gotsch, Debbie Potter and Tamara Hageneder are busy with development and production of the stories, which are sure to delight pediatric patients and their families.
We received a grant from the New Jersey Historical Commission for an assessment of WAMMC documents by a professional archivist; recommendations will now be made for preservation and organization of the documents. Thank you to volunteers Michele Becker and Maria Papadopolo who have jumped in to take on this project.
This past month we presented the Foundation with a check in the amount of $500,000 for the Behavioral Health Renovation. Combined with an additional $75,000 from our annual pledge and the 2013 contribution of $500,000, our total donation to this to much-needed renovation is over $1 Million!
To date, the Women’s Association is the largest single contributor to Campaign 360 - the Foundation for Morristown Medical Center capital campaign to raise $100 Million for multiple projects at MMC by the end of 2015. The WAMMC contribution is currently over $5.3 Million!
To those of you who volunteer at the Corner Store Gift Shops and Bargain Box Thrift Boutique, donate your time and talents to the success of our fundraisers and do service and fundraising with the Twigs – this is a team effort – a very successful team!
Congratulations To all of YOU!
Dannette Merchant