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Kudos to the Chatham Twig

Members of the Chatham Twig recently gathered at their fall kick-off meeting and created no-sew blankets. In addition to the blankets, backpacks and supplies were gathered by the members, along with 58 gift cards, which were donated by its 65 plus members. The wide variety of cards included gifts from Toys R Us, Amazon, Panera, Google, Starbucks, iTunes, as well as many others.

The gifts were hand delivered to the Child Life contacts at the hospital who then distributed them to the appropriate children and their families. Kudos to the Chatham Twig for their thoughtful and generous donations!

The Chatham Twig meets twice a year and communicates monthly via email and their Facebook page. They always welcome new members! For more information please contact Chatham Twig co-chair Samantha Ekert at

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