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Chapel Flowers

The chapel is a serene place where visitors, patients and employees can reflect.

Did you know? Women’s Association members and friends provide fresh flowers weekly in our hospital’s chapel. Entering the main hospital lobby on Simon 1, everyone passes the chapel door, usually unaware of families who are searching for comfort and solace within. Our floral arrangements clearly support our mission to offer caring support when needed most.

The non-denominational chapel offers Catholic Mass daily, as well as an “All Faiths Prayer” Tuesdays through Saturdays. Jumma prayer services are held each Friday.

How can I help? With a donation of $35 for fresh flowers, you may choose the week that your chapel flowers will be displayed, along with your personalized dedication.

What kind of personalized dedication may I choose? Donations may be made in memory of a deceased family member or friend. Or you may choose to contribute chapel flowers in gratitude for your loved ones, or in honor of an anniversary, birthday, or other special occasion. What a significant way to remember a friend or relative!

How do I become a part of this special program? Please visit our website - and click on Donate

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